What is Covered with Insurance for Landscapers?

With our outdoor lifestyle and love of greenery, it’s no wonder the landscapers and gardeners are kept busy! After all, many people want to enjoy a beautiful outdoor area without having to do it themselves. As a gardener, it’s important for you to have insurance in place to protect your areas of risk. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at what cover you need to consider with your landscapers insurance.

Public liability insurance

Public liability insurance provides financial protection if you cause damage to property or injury to a third party as the result of your actions at work. It also covers your legal bills if you need to hire a lawyer. As a landscaper, damage and injury can occur no matter how careful you are. All it would take is for you to accidentally damage a client’s fence or for a third party to trip over a bag of potting mix for you to find yourself at the receiving end of a claim. This means that liability insurance is an essential form of cover.

Personal accident and illness insurance

Many landscapers are self-employed which means that you don’t have access to an income if you’re unable to work due an injury or illness. Luckily, personal accident and illness insurance is available. This form of cover means that you’ll continue to receive a portion of your income if you can’t work following unexpected injury or illness. This means that you’re able to keep up with your regular expenses until you’re able to return to work.

Property and tools insurance 

As a landscaper, you rely on your tools for your everyday work. So, what would you do if something happened to your gear? Not only would this be inconvenient, it can also be very expensive to contend with the expense of replacements. Property and tools insurance means you’re covered financially if your tools are lost, damaged or stolen. This means that you can replace your tools if something happens to them without it costing your business big money.

Workers compensation insurance

If you have employees working for you, you need to ensure that you have workers compensation insurance. This form of cover provides financial protection for employees following a successful compensation claim and it reimburses employers for costs such as wages, medical bills and rehabilitation costs. Each workers compensation insurance scheme is run differently depending on the state or territory in which you live so speak to your insurance broker about your requirements.

All Trades Cover specialise in providing insurance cover to Australian tradies. We’re partnered with one of Australia’s largest insurers to quality insurance to Australian tradies at a competitive price. Our brokers have the industry knowledge to help you find the best level of cover for your business. Also included in our trade insurance package is tax audit insurance and free legal advice

For insurance for landscapers, contact All Trades Cover today on 1300 826 850.

John Elliott

John Elliott

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An industry veteran with a vision to revolutionise insurance for tradespeople, John Elliott founded All Trades Cover with a commitment to make insurance easy, efficient, and affordable for tradies across Australia.

With 2 decades of experience and thousands of insured clients nationwide, John’s vision has become a reality. All Trades Cover is now a trusted partner for tradies, offering top-tier coverage at competitive prices. But it’s not just about cost savings.

John’s innovative approach focuses on simplicity and speed without compromisingon quality.

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